Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pat Rocha

Not a new artist or anything, but one that has always intrigued me until I saw some of his work at Joshua Liner Gallery earlier in the year. He instantly became a favorite. The way he exaggerates proportion in his paintings to give en extended sense of emotion is really effective, not to mention his impressive technique.

It is hard to find much information on him via the web as he doesn't have a website, but he will be having a show at Joshua Liner in November. I very much look forward to what he comes up with.

Above are some of my favorites, especially the first one, "Remembering Mrs. Smith".

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Have been interested in Adam Flores' work since I glanced in at his show at Gallery 3 earlier in the year, and have been lucky to purchase the piece above with the help of Justin Giarla over at The Shooting Gallery. I have always been interested in the interplay between the built and natural world, and I like how his pieces seem to show these two worlds almost at war. He is a young artist recently graduated from the Academy of Art, and I look forward to seeing how his work progresses.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Here is my entry for the Gallery 1988 Crazy4Cult contest. They say there are almost 100 entries thus far, so there is quite a bit of competition. I think maybe I should have included some people in the scene, but I wanted the "inbetween spaces" to be more important. (besides, I am not sure I could pull off people in the poses they would need to be to be fighting over the desk space)

BTW, in case you haven't figured it out, the painting is based on one my favorite movies "Brazil". It is 11x14 graphite and gouache on watercolor paper, I am still working on a framing strategy, but anyways, what do you think?